Wednesday 11 June 2014

today's calories and report on doctor's appointment

Today I went to my 3rd CAMHS appointment (child and adolescent mental health services) and was diagnosed with Ana (or anorexia as is the medical term). I have to eat 3 meals a day with balanced nutrients, plus yoghurt and a cereal/chocolate bar. But I'm obviously not going to eat chocolate and will carry on with Ana until I am happy with my body. I am in control of Ana and know I will stop when I am pleased with my weight. 

Anyway, today I ate:
30g bran flakes with 125ml semi skimmed milk (166)
3 rice cakes (87)
Graze snack box (81)
2 fish fingers (115)
Some negative-calorie foods

And I did 30 minutes of walking and burned 95, so my total is 354. I will also do 2 hours of pacing my room (380), 100 situps (100) and 100 squats (100) so my total will be -226. Hope you enjoyed today's thinspo. Stay strong!
Feather xox

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