About me

<a href="http://eddirectory.tumblr.com">ED Directory</a>
About me
Height: 5'8
SW: 140
CW: 109  108
GW: 100
Hoping to get to my GW by July 1st 2014
My Personal Beliefs About Ana
This is a pro-Ana site, but we all have different opinions about Ana. I believe that sometimes we choose Ana and sometimes Ana chooses us. Ana chose me as an insecure young girl looking to lose weight, and I accepted her. (I do not believe that Ana is a real living person but I find it easier to say 'her') I believe that this can be a lifestyle choice, BUT only as long as you have control of Ana. If Ana controls you this can become a dangerous illness, recovery is really the best option if this happens. Anyway, welcome to the site and be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

This site welcomes everyone, whether you have chosen a pro-Ana diet to lose weight or whether you believe anorexia is a disease. However I wish for this site to be victimless so if you describe your situation using words such as 'suffer', 'victim' or 'eating disorder' I strongly suggest you find a recovery forum or stick to viewing the 'Recovery Advice' page. 

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