Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks!

Note: this list may seem small at the moment but I will add to it every day so it will soon get longer!

1. If you are a beginner it may be easier to follow a specific diet plan - check out my Diet Plan page.
2. Look at thinspiration to stay motivated.
3. Plan your calories in advance, in the morning or even the day before.
4. Taking cold showers/baths burns 10 calories a minute and speed up your metabolism.
5. Accurately record what you eat each day and how many calories you have using a notebook or online calorie counter.
6. Drink at least 2 litres (8 glasses) of water a day, cold water speeds up your metabolism and warm water makes you feel full.
7. Try to centre your diet around negative calorie foods (see page 'Negative Calorie Foods').
8. Get an Ana buddy. This is great for motivation, support and diet tips.
9. If your family won't let you exercise (mine won't because they suspect Ana), there are a number of exercises you can do secretly in your room: crunches, situps, leg-lifts, pushups, squats, hula-hooping. I even pace around my room early in the morning and late at night.
10. Don't eat after 7pm as this can stop you from losing weight the next day and make morning weigh-in results less accurate.
11. Eating small amounts throughout the day can help you feel fuller and stop binges.
12. To stay inspired to reach your GW, buy a pretty item of clothing in your target dress size. You will not be able to wear it until you reach your target!
13. If you feel like binging search for reverse thinspo. That is what you could look like if you keep binging.
14. If your parents watch you eat breakfast make a small bowl of cereal and a cup of milky tea/coffee. Eat the cereal and when they aren't looking spit the milk into your drink. DON'T drink it though, yuck!
15. Broths are a good dinner idea because they are low-calorie and keep you full for longer.

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